Different accesses for staff and visitors

Create different landing page, one completely free and unlimited for the staff
and one for visitors with managed and controlled authentication.

Connect guests with ease thanks to the Social Login

Often guests are willing to share their information in exchange for a fast login. This trend is a business opportunity. One click connection via any of their favourite social networks Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon and they are engaged.

More I Like clicks on your Facebook page

Involve and engage your customers. Invite users to click “Like” or “Follow” and publish on their timeline.

Redirect visitors to the custom website

When connected, redirect visitors to a specific website page (like the website of company,
products & brands)

Custom Apps for a unique service

Keep visitors entertained, create custom Apps with generic information about the venue like product showcase, sales & offers. (like the product’s description or the products catlog)

Interactive maps to navigate the shopping malls

Guide visitors throughout the mall and premises with turn-by-turn directions and highlighted routes.
Create interactive floor plans that guide visitors through the mall’s many buildings and floors. You can help them discover and locate different areas of mall.
Location-based descriptions and messaging allow visitors to explore the collection area by area, find events and locate amenities such as restaurants and shops.

Survey before or post-visit

Make guests to complete a short survey before connecting to the WiFi, and collect their first impressions. Alternatively, send surveys after a set period of time to see if visitors’ expectations are being met.