Enhance the facilities’ clinical network and drive more security and reliability

Whether you are serving a clinic, long-term care facility, hospital, or doctor’s office, provide a seamless and simple WiFi experience. Make it easy for patients, health care professionals, and visitors to access the WiFi in any health care facility.

Landing page specific for staff and patients

Manage every step of the WiFi experience, create WiFi for patients or visitors and Premium WiFi for the hospital staff, dedicating special splash pages and WiFi plans.

Interstitial videos and messages

Create interstitial messages and videos to send personalized messages to patients and staff.
Trigger message and video based on specific age and demographics to promote a particular prevention course or offers and promos.

Create surveys, quiz and tests on the fly and get feedbacks in real time

Survey patients and visitors to improve continuously the healthcare institute’s overall functioning. Listen to what people really want and need.
Abandon the paper-based processes and offer a more automated, accessible and intuitive solution.

Custom Apps for a unique service

Keep a patient entertained, informed and connected through a complete and unique system. Create custom Apps for quicker information about the hospital or the building (e.g. useful phone number and contacts with timetables, instructions and plans to get the interested hospital ward…)
The better you’ll work, the better they’ll feel.