WiFi is essential in Education

There is a growing trend globally where more and more service providers and network operators are deploying managed WiFi services for universities, colleges, schools and libraries.

Landing page specific for students and teachers

Manage every step of the WiFi experience, create WiFi for students and Premium WiFi for teachers, dedicating special splash pages and WiFi plans.

Connect students using their own Microsoft account

Students, teaching staff, employees who are included in identity stores (such as Microsoft Active Directory) can gain access through the credentialed Guest hotspot portal.

Keep students and staff safe

All data is stored securely on your OpenWi server, protecting private information about people is just as important as safeguarding other important business data.

Are students happy at school?

Survey students to improve continuously the educational institute’s overall functioning.Create questions about the class, activities and issues about the teacher. Listen to what students really want and need. Abandon the paper-based processes and offer a more automated, accessible and intuitive solution.

Interstitial video and messages

Create interstitial messages and videos to send personalized messages to students and teachers.
Trigger message and video based on specific student age and demographics to promote a particular course or a scholarship offered by an education partner.